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Writer's picture: Euphoria ArtEuphoria Art
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Hello love, Today I'm gonna share my experience about why I make art and about how i felt while sketching. I make art for a few reasons. The reasons are when I sketch or paint I can go deep into thoughts and learn new things for myself, I can find myself by sketching . In life, we experience so much fragmentation of thought and feeling. For me, creating art brings things back together, happiness , love, peace and so many things .The purposes, motivations, intentions, and inspirations behind the art are endless.

The reasons why I make art:

I love myself while sketching and seek thoughts to put myself into art form and get inspiration from ancient paintings or some sort of doodles .

The reasons why people make art :

To form part of a ritual, ceremony, or cultural tradition

Whether you refer to the finely crafted instruments of the different ethnic tribes in the Philippines or look at the creative mascots of different sports teams, we use art to creatively represent practices that have been part of our lives for years. One of the most comprehensive events depicted in history is The last supper by Da Vinci.

To practice faith in a more tangible way

Believing in a higher being can be a unique experience, and art is used to make those beliefs much easier to grasp and feel. Creativity is one of the demarcating landmarks that differentiates us from animals. It is what makes us human. Faith is another factor that has been a key theme behind reasons for making the art.

To record history

Another reason people make art is to record a moment of the past. More specifically called History Painting, we use art to capture the most significant scenes in history. Some notable examples include Benjamin West’s Death of Benjamin Wolfe and Jacques-Louis David’s Oath of the Horatii.

To teach something as an alternative to verbal or written methods

The changing generations have made it much harder to attract the attention of our young learners. The question – why we make art – is becoming less relevant these days. With the help of art, people who would otherwise ignore books can be taught concepts more effectively using visual arts.

To reflect the beauty of nature, a landscape, or a city

While beautiful scenes are sights to behold themselves, they become a new creation altogether when turned into art. Most of the people make art to document nature, a landscape or a city

To depict reality and ideals.

Often referred to as realism and idealism, art can either be used to capture a perfectly undistorted image of reality (i.e. a natural landscape or the image of society) or portray the artist’s aspirations or ideals for those realities. In other words, art is a way for an artist to say “this is how I see the world,” and then sometimes say “this is how I think it should be.”

And finally to conclude, art is the only way we can relay our experiences effectively to others. The challenge is to creatively bring together reality, imagination, medium, and technique to produce something that will make the audience feel like they are part of that story.


If you wasn’t active or replying to anyone for some days on social medias , don't worry BE CALM AND ITS GOOD TO TAKE TIME OFF TO CONNECT WITH YOURSELF, but if you do it deliberately to test people in your life then there are higher chances of getting disappointed also as you grow old you realize that everyone is creating a life with their own struggles, sometimes constant communication is not possible but if they are the real ones then you can always reconnect ! remember that your happiness and self worth is first priority !

we make art for our happiness that's the main point of this content.


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