Art Gives Healing In Uncertain Times
“Art is the highest form of hope.”
Hello guys welcome to our art by Euphoria blog , today we gonna talk about art therapy and healings . So welcome to your favorite content because everyone loves art therapy lessons. Today I'm gonna share my experience about making art and about how I felt while sketching. I make art for a few reasons. The reasons are when I sketch or paint I can go deep into thoughts and learn new things for myself, I can find myself by sketching . In life, we experience so much fragmentation of thought and feeling. For me, creating art brings things back together, happiness , love, peace and so many things .The purposes, motivations, intentions, and inspirations behind the art are endless. Even as a child I looked to art as a method to heal and comfort myself. It was an innate desire in me to seek out things that helped me. Art was just that.

The difference between Art Therapy and Art Healing: “Art healing is often confused with Art Therapy.” Both are similar to one another, art therapy typically involves a doctor/patient relationship. Art healing is more of an individual healing method. In the Coronavirus Era, obtaining art therapy can be challenging with the need for social distancing, but that does not stop the healing power of art from being implemented in our homes.
Making Art and the Coronavirus Era
Studies have shown that my innate need for creativity when feeling unwell is not unique, but rather self-preservation in reducing stress and finding healing.
A recent study by Harvard states that “art … has an important role in helping people through particularly difficult times.”
I posit that these times, the coronavirus era, are difficult times and art can help.
A 2018 study found that offering art therapy at the bedside in hospitals reduced a patients experience of pain during treatment.
Being creative in trying times is a coping mechanism many of us could use to make it through the coronavirus era.
The World Health Organization has found that creating art reduces stress. This includes art forms such as music, dance as well as painting and ceramics.
Enjoying Art and the Coronavirus Era
I was on an art marketing call today, and they were marveling at the fact that art is selling right now in the midst of a global pandemic. I do not find this odd at all. Take the 2017 study “How do patients actually experience and use art in hospitals?” found that hanging abstract paintings in hospitals correlated with patient satisfaction. The same could correlate to our homes.
Enjoying art as a medium offers people an opportunity to share traumatic thoughts, events or circumstances in a safe way through the process of interpretation of the art itself rather than processing one’s own emotions.
Observing art provides distance from the reality that is happening and allows the mind to create a new perspective on the internal musings.
Our global community is definitely experiencing trauma right now, and a return to the arts is a great way for us to heal as a people.
well enjoy to be in art community and find yourself through creating art, learn new perspectives in life through art and most importantly make yourself happy and love yourself while paint and speak to yourself for ideas and creative.
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